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Water Reuse

Messaben water treatment and reuse division will be at the core of future exploration operations, enabling the rejected water treated during operations to be reused or disposed, meeting environmental regulations with ease. Harnessing the additional fine minerals during the treatment process as sludge precipitation will increase productivity.

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Hydro-Pod Water Recycling Technology treats frac flow-back and produced water. It is the only technology that addresses 9+ impurities in one treatment to mitigate the risks associated with reusing produced water. Designed using 30+ years hydro-frac experience and built upon mature technology, the Hydro-Pod uses a proprietary process employing ozone and bi-metallic electrocoagulation to eliminate the need for hazardous oxidizers and their associated liability. Processing at up to 2.5 to 3 BPM, units can be run in parallel to meet daily processing requirements, and can also serve as a centralized processing facility to serve multiple well locations. Liability from transporting and disposing of contaminants is nearly eliminated.

“Where Reusing Produced Water Becomes Economical…”


The Hydro-Pod design enables even those without a highly technical or engineering-related background to easily and efficiently process disposal waters that can be reused in the frac process. The quality of your water is tested and evaluated, and the treatment design is then proven to ensure you have the quality of the water that will be required for your specific needs. This type of water recycling technology delivers the quality of water you need, helps reduce trucking and related expenses, and helps to limit your exposure to potential liabilities.

The Hydro-Pod treats 9+ areas of concern in one treatment.

Reduces TDS, mainly dependent on the ratio of divalent and trivalent Ions against the monovalents ions, in some cases TDS is reduced  above 80%, average 50% without RO system.


Real time process, no waiting time for chemical reaction.


1. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
2. Suspended Solids (SS)
3. Hardness (includes multivalent salts such as Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, etc.)
4. Iron

5. Bacteria: Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) and Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)
6. Total Oil and Grease
7. Organics
8. Dissolved Gases (H2S, CO2 etc.)
9. Boron

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An integrated solution to treat and reuse the water is a primary objective to create water sustainability and the ability to handle sludge for usage (brine drilling fluid, salts for cement factories, or de-icing) or dispose safely as solid bagged material. Whereas at Messaben we can produce usable, low-salinity water for agriculture usage if needed, as such eventually evading disposal wells and evaporating ponds is a secondary target that reduces the cost of capital and operating cost of energy and resources.

Handles and Coagulates H2S

Acid Mine Drainage or Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) is a natural process whereby sulfuric acids are produced when sulfides in rock are exposed to air and water. Mostly seen in sour crude , sour gas production mining, and other similar industries.


  • The system Processes the waste water contaminated with H2S results in H2SO3 (sulphurous acid)

  • H2SO3 (sulphurous acid) reacts with the divalent and trivalent ions dissolved in the water producing sulphate compounds that are insoluble in high pH

Our Approach

STEP 1: Send Your Requirements

Share your water reuse challenge and requirements for water treatment.

STEP 2: Study & Analyze Your Needs

Our team will analyze your requirements to treat and reuse water discharge.

STEP 3: Provide a Customized Solution

Messaben will propose the Plug & Play system, or will customize a solution to meet your water output application. 

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